I am Medea


portfolio 29
portfolio 30
portfolio 31
portfolio 32

I am Medea
2015,  Performance, Installations

Concept/ performance: Nadia Tsulukidze

Co-author/ performance: Jochen Stechmann

The Contemporary Art Space Batumi (GE) with the support of The Goethe Institute Tbilisi

In his book ‘Melancholy, Love and Time’ Peter Toohey describes Medea’s state of mind, as a manic-depres- sive one caused by lovesickness. She has lost the ability of experiencing herself as an entity separated from the world around, and her crisis is an attempt to restore the integrity of herself.In their research Nadia Tsulukidze and JochenStechmann focus on the function of such states of crisis as a tool for re-integration; following their own interpretation of Medea, they investigate the self, as a product of pain and alienation and an experience of total otherness from family, from community, and, paradoxically, even from the self itself.
'I am Medea' presentation included an interactive video installation, two video installations and a live performance.