Who is this I that can say I? 


portfolio 34

2016,  Art/Education project at the Tbilisi State Silk Museum together with the students from the Contemporary Centre of Art

Concept/ performance / Coaching of students: Nadia Tsulukidze Curator: Lali Pertenava

Link to the online publication of the project: https://issuu.com/tamarnadiradze/docs/who_is_this_i_that_can_say_i

Project ‘Who is this I that can say I?’ was realized in the frame of State Silk Museum’s project of Art Intervention in the Museum. Art Intervention is realizing in the frame of the “Regional Art and Culture Project in the South Caucasus”, which is managed by the Culture and Management Lab with financial support of the Swiss Cooperation Office for the South Caucasus (SCO).

The publication was developed and printed in the framework of the project “Informal educational Program in Arts for socially vulnerable and disabled young people” supported by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) Georgia Office.

‘Who is this I that can say I’ is a project developed in response to invitation from the State Silk Museum in Georgia and is a con- ceptual frame, a ‘Choreography of thinking’ that initiates a dialogue between students of CCA, the Silk Museum and the audience. ‘Who is this I that can say I’ is a reformulation of ‘Knowing thyself’ – an aphorism written at the Apollo temple in Delphi that express- es our ancient desire to explore ourselves. It is an infinite project the end product of which will always remain unknown, where the process itself becomes a subject of exploration.

Within this frame students were asked to create a work based on reflection of their own working process and one element from the Silk Museum transforming it into a place of exploration, study, observation, critical thinking, contemplation and dialogue. In this set up the Museum functions as ‘the other’- a mirror that reflects a process of identity construction. As a result we have a pixilated image of the Museum, constructed from different perspectives of time and space.